Friday, May 1, 2020

The Best Things are Free

The Best Things are Free

Do you believe in the statement above? When you think about it, you realize that it is a profound truth. What’s better than the air we breathe? And what about just that ability to breathe? It is only in extreme cases that we are forced to buy oxygen and need assisted breathing. For the majority of us breathing is such a natural thing that we take it for granted. 

The same argument can be made about many different things in our lives. Life itself is a gift that comes our way without our having to do much to receive it. You might think it was your parent’s doing but ask yourself how many married people are trying to have a child without success. That you were conceived and carried through gestation is a miracle you played no part in. that you weren’t a still birth nor needed specialized care in your early days has nothing to do with you. The best things are free.

I will talk about your health for a moment here. To enjoy good health is a massive blessing not to be underestimated. Wellness is costly but health is a gift. That all your systems are functioning in perfect balance and harmony is no mean thing. Illness is an abnormality because our default setting is one of health. Your nutrition and lifestyle might have something to do with keeping you healthy according to science but you can bear me witness that there are people you know who are doing everything right yet they are bogged down by health issues left, right and center. So it’s not really about what we do though we need to take responsibility for our lives and the things we can control. Health like all good things is free. Healthcare is not. 

There is a song that says money can’t buy me love. Many pop artists have gone on and on about love and I am reminded of Jennifer Lopez’s Love don’t cost a thing. Absolutely. If you need to earn my love, then it’s no love at all. Arrangements are costly. Money can buy me attention and many other things but love flows from a well so deep that money cannot reach. Whether it is a mother’s love for her child or a spouse’s love for her partner. If it is genuine, it cannot be bought or sold. The best things are free. 

Choices are free as well. We are at liberty to choose which way to go-at least a majority of us are. And choice is such beautiful thing because it affords opportunities to shape the direction of our lives. Life is actually a series of choices we make as we go along. Very few people if any can say they have no choice what to do. Despite the desperation of your situation, you have a choice to make about which way to go.  

The next time you are thinking about how much you are blessed, forget for a moment the things that cost money and focus on the better things that are free. I could go on and on about many other things that are freely given to us but that would deny you an opportunity to participate in this conversation. What else can you add to the list above? Share in the comments below all the beautiful things which are free. 

Don’t miss an opportunity to delve deeper into this conversation by getting yourself a copy of Blessed to be a blessing as soon as it is out. The long wait is almost over. To be among the first recipients you can order the book by calling or texting +254725832477.

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