Friday, May 8, 2020

The Losses of an unconscious life.

The Losses of an unconscious life. 

What do you stand to lose by living in the unconscious zone? Or to put it more aptly, what have you lost so far by living unconsciously. 

The greatest loss has to do with the beauty of ordinary life. Unconscious you zoom quickly past all the things that carry beauty in them. Everything has beauty and novelty when you pay attention to it. You miss out on savoring and enjoying all these good things. 

An unconscious life is lived from the periphery and not the core. The greatest tragedy is to live a superficial life. When we fail to connect with our core, we end up living our lives at the periphery of it. We have no time to engage deeply enough and that is to our loss. 

An unconscious life constantly worries about the future. When you find it difficult to focus on this moment, you will inevitably drift into the future you are looking for. When future becomes a primary concern, you have no option but to exhibit worry and fear. 

It is programmed by past experience. Our minds like forming patterns and interpretations from the past to predict the future. These patterns are responsible for the way we think and act around certain situations. They deny us from experiencing the uniqueness of each experience we have in life. Because of them we miss out on the lessons we would have garnered from the present experience. 

There is so much downside to living unconsciously and I am sure you might have a thing or two to say about this. Feel free to add to the conversation in the comments. Learn to look out for the spectacular in your everyday life by getting a copy of Blessed to be a Blessing. To order call/text +254725832477. 

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