Tuesday, May 19, 2020

You are Blessed-A done deal.

Many times we think of blessing as a state of having or possessing. Rarely do we understand that to be blessed is a state of being before it is anything else.

It is imperative that we change our understanding around this issue because our perspective on life will be totally transformed as a result. When our focus is on having, we look for evidence of his blessing to validate our blessedness. When we focus on being we are secure in our hearts and minds concerning our blessedness.

Let me use an example to drive this point home. When you plant a mango tree, when do you consider it a mango tree? Is it as you plant it or after it has borne fruit? If you are honest with yourself, you see it as a mango tree from the moment you choose to plant it. Its fruitfulness just serves to confirm to you that it is a mango tree. It is not the basis for determining what type of tree it is.

In the same way, you need to consider yourself blessed before there is any manifestation whatsoever. You are not waiting to be blessed. Your blessedness is not dependent on the material stuff you can lay your hands on. You are blessed before you see anything physical. The physical manifestation is just but confirmation of your blessedness. It is the fruit of the tree of your blessedness.

This distinction is very significant for your understanding of your blessedness. When you think after this manner, you walk with your head held high even when your physical circumstances dictate that you act otherwise. Blessedness is a mindset you adapt and live with.
When you walk with this mindset, inevitably you begin to see evidence of your conviction. The evidence of your blessedness is all around you when you stop defining it in limited terms. You need to change the lens through which you look at blessedness and I guarantee that what you see will change overnight.

The takeaway from today’s post is that your blessedness is a done deal. Share what your thinking around blessedness has been in the comments below.

Remember to order your copy of my recently launched book Blessed to be a Blessing (pictured above) by sending Kes. 200 for a soft copy and 450 for a Hard copy to Till Number 5198493.

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