Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Practicing consciousness/awareness

Practicing consciousness/awareness

It is one thing to know what consciousness is and a totally different thing to practice it in your life. So how do you practice consciousness? 

First you need to become deliberately slow. We rush through life and as a result miss out on many things that we needed to savor. In our fast paced world, practicing consciousness is a rare thing. If you want to be more effective, you must choose to slow down and take in the sights and sounds around you. 

Learn to go all in with whatever you are doing. You have to stop doing anything half-heartedly. Whatever is before you right now, do it as though it is the only thing that matters because it truly is all you’ve got. Stop doing anything that doesn’t get all your energies raving up. If you are not consumed by it, you are doing it unconsciously. 

Close your mind to the past and the future. Be present in every moment. The past and the future steal our present constantly. How many times have you had it being said to you that today is all you’ve got? Why spend so much time living in the past and reminiscing it when you have today with you. In the same vein why think so much about a future you are not sure you will be a part of. Today is all you’ve got. Take it further and understand that now is the only moment that matters. You are not sure of the next breath. All you have is this breath. What will you do with it? 

Consciousness is about getting absorbed into what is happening now. If you would allow your mind to live in this present moment and see the richness of what is happening right now, your life would be much more fulfilled. If you choose not to judge and interpret what is happening and just experience it, you will be living consciously. You miss the greatness of this moment by thinking about the past moment or the next moment. Consciousness is living one day at a time, moment by moment.

What difference would conscious living make to your appreciation of God’s Blessings? In my book Blessed to be a Blessing, we explore a lot of the things you need to be cognizant of as you live your life. You get to understand the blessing tied up in everyday stuff. Grab yourself a copy of the book by calling/texting +254725832477. 

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