Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Benefits of Consciousness/Awareness

Benefits of Consciousness/Awareness

Consciousness guarantees you a rich life no matter your circumstances. When you pay attention to what is around you, you see the wealth in ordinary, mundane things. Life becomes one big sightseeing adventure because everywhere you turn there is novelty. 

A conscious life is a life free of baggage. We are weighed down by the baggage we carry from our past. Our experiences and our reaction to them accompany us wherever we go. The only way to avoid the baggage of those experiences is to live in the here and now. 

It also allows us to live free of worry. When you are concerned about this moment and enjoying it, what room do you have for the worries of tomorrow? What Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25-33 has huge implications on how we live our lives. He says that no one can add a single hour to his life by worrying. Learn to enjoy what is before you and allow the future to remain in the future.

Consciousness breeds gratitude. When we really take in what is before us, it follows naturally that our hearts will be inclined towards gratitude. When we are rushing through life, gratitude is impossible because we are looking constantly to the next moment. 

It also breeds excellence. By giving one hundred percent concentration to what we are doing, we produce excellent results at it. Mediocre work is more often than not a result of a divided mind. Whatever you do half-heartedly will yield average results. Whatever you do wholeheartedly will guarantee excellent results. It’s that simple. 

It is a foundation for creativity. Creativity is released as we take in every moment in its richness. The more you turn something over in your mind, the more you have the ability to perceive it in different lights. 

What other benefits of conscious living can you think of? Feel free to share in the comments below. 

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