Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hello beautiful people. it's been a while since I was last here. Mostly it is because I have been doing a lot of running up and down since I last said anything here. Beyond that I have also been thinking hard about how to make this valuable to anyone who happens to pass by here. I would love to make this more about all of us and I am shifting the focus to speaking words of encouragement, motivation, correction and inspiration.

starting next week I will be putting up weekly posts every Thursday to uplift your soul and challenge you to be the best version of yourself there can be.I will be sharing from my struggles, successes, high and low points just so you know that you are not alone on this journey of life. I will also be putting forth some great ideals which we should all aspire to because at Asenaville I.e my ideal world, there is quite a number of things that need to be hallmarks. in the first few episodes,I am going to be sharing my core values with you and why I hold them dear. I hope you will be inspired.

watch out for great stuff next Thursday.

In the meantime, remember 'Life is never about how long you lived but how well.' Live well.
