Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What is That in Your Hand?

What is that in your hand? 

Exodus 4:2 So the Lord said to him, ‘what is that in your hand?’
Many times what we need to make progress is well within our reach yet we don’t realize it. In the scripture reference above, Moses was conversing with God concerning the deliverance of the children of Israel. He was showing how ill equipped he was to carry out the task when out of the blue God asks him-what is that in your hand?

Like Moses, each one of us has a few things within our reach which we can use to make progress on the things that need to get done but like him we are blinded to them and their potential. Moses had carried this rod with him for a long time and used it exclusively for taking care of the flocks. He didn’t know that this rod was capable of so much more if only he changed his perception of what it was. 

The very same rod that used to guide the flocks now was capable of working signs and wonders in the presence of pharaoh. On being stretched it parted the Red Sea. In the wilderness he used the same rod to strike the rock and it brought forth water. This rod was transformed into such a potent weapon when Moses looked at it differently. 

This is a challenge for you to begin looking at what you have in your hands differently. How much more are you capable of accomplishing if you change your perception of what you have with you? We waste our lives waiting for when everything will fall into place before we do what we need to do. The truth is things will never fall into place at the same time. You have to make do with what you have and make the most of it. 

So the question is what is that you have in your hands? What can you see around your life right now that can be put to great use? What do you need to change your perception about so it becomes capable of doing so much more?
In my upcoming book, Blessed to be a Blessing, I share a lot about the many things you have going for you which you can put to good use. Make sure to secure yourself a copy by letting me know through my DM.

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