Thursday, July 2, 2020

Songs unsung, Poems Unwritten.

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Dr. Myles Munroe coined the phrase that the graveyard is the richest place on earth. He went on to say that this is because there, a song lies unsung, a poem lies unwritten, great books lie unwritten, movies lie unacted. The idea is that many people die with so much still within them.

The question that should be foremost on our minds right now is how our own graveyard will look like. Will we go in still holding all our treasure in our hands or will we be completely used up. Today is the day when you must make up your mind that no song of yours will go unsung. You must decide that no book of yours will die unwritten.

What holds you back when it comes to manifesting the greatness within you? For many of us, fear plays a great role in never manifesting the best of ourselves to the world. We far that we are not good enough. We fear how people will receive us and what we present or represent. We fear that we will not be as good as our heroes at what we do. We fear imperfection which is something very few of us if any can escape.

At other times, procrastination is the culprit. We keep putting of till tomorrow even the things we can do today. When we pile up enough tomorrows we are left with nothing but wasted yesterdays. I learnt from Kevin Kruse that procrastination sometimes means choosing to do the easier things first at the expense of the things that really matter. So it is not a matter of you not wanting to do anything. It happens because you can’t summon the strength and focus needed to get the job done.

Ignorance also plays a role in keeping you from exploiting who you are. After all, you can only exploit that whose existence you are familiar with. This is why getting a hold of my book Blessed to be a Blessing will be a step in the right direction because therein I explore many of the endowments you have which you can exploit to leave your footprint wherever you pass.

Right this moment you have to make up your mind that you will die having used up all of your potential or as much of it as possible. There could be many things holding you back but you have to decide that you will no longer be held captive by them. You need to fight for the release of your full potential as though your life depends on it because in reality it does. You will never live a full life if you are not exploiting the best of yourself every single day.

Share this to any people you believe might benefit from the insights here and call/text +254725832477 to get yourself a copy of Blessed to be a Blessing.

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