Monday, June 29, 2020

Be all you can be.

Imagine what a beautiful place the world would be if we all became all we can be and did all we can do. The world is worse off because we choose to sleep on our abilities, gifts, talents and resources. I am on a mission to change as much of that as possible and this article is meant to challenge you to bring out the best of yourself and share it with the world.

Why do we settle for a life that is much less than all it can be? For whose benefit do we withhold our awesomeness and ability to make a difference? The truth is we do no one any favors by living a life that is less than all we can be.

Starting today, make it a point of understanding and embracing all you are and have. Desire to channel all of your energy into meaningful activity for your good and the good of others around you. The best time to become all you can be is not tomorrow or some date in the future. Right here and now, you have the opportunity to make a difference where you have been placed.

In Blessed to be a Blessing I explore a majority of the things you have going for you and I would love to encourage you to get yourself a copy to gain a deeper understanding of all you have. Armed with this knowledge, it is imperative that you make a point of exploiting all of your endowments in the places where they are most needed. In my own life, I have made a choice to bring out all that I am before I fly away to another place.

I love the advice of King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 9:10.  If I would paraphrase it this is how I would put it. Be all you can be and do all you can do while you are here because in the place where you go afterwards, there is no room to do anything else. The reality of your mortality should act as motivation for you to actualize yourself before your time here is done. When we fail to actualize ourselves, we have denied everyone the opportunity to experience a masterpiece. You have been created with attributes unique to you which are meant to come out and be fully expressed while you are here. Failure to do so means the world misses out on something that will never be again. When you realize that, it should drive you enough to want to do all within your power to manifest the greatness within you.

Whatever you do, make it your aim to be all you can be and you will be glad you did it. it all boils down to stewardship of everything given to you. In stewardship, faithfulness can never be overemphasized.

What are some of the things you know you need to be in this life? How much of that are you doing? What hinders you from becoming all you can be? What help would get you doing just that? Share in the comments below and let’s help each other out.

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Photo Credits: Inspirational Perspective. 

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