Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Become a Channel.

A channel is a medium through which content flows from one point to another. To illustrate this, think about Television channels as mediums for the dissemination of news and targeted programming. A pipeline helps petroleum products move from the port to the hinterland where it is needed. Water and electricity are moved from one point to another through a grid which is another example of a channel.

Channels keep life going and things running as far from the source as they can go. People depend on channels to receive what would otherwise be difficult for them to receive. Think about how we transfer power from the Owen Falls and the Seven Forks to our industrial Areas in Nairobi and beyond. It would be inconceivable without proper power transmission channels.

In life, we are expected to be channels of God’s blessings into other people’s lives. The expectation is that whatever we receive ends up helping many people further down the road. The blessings you have received, are not meant to for you alone. God looks at you as a channel through which he is able to reach others who come across your path. In becoming a channel, you allow God’s blessing to flow through you and reach all the people who need to experience it in their own situations and circumstances. Whenever you receive an overflow of anything, it is time for you to ask yourself who God wants you to extend it towards. There are many needs around you if you care to look just like there is so much you can give when you think about all we have been discussing concerning your blessedness.

There are people who are like step-down transformers which receive power and distribute according to the needs of the local area. You need to become like them when it comes to the distribution of the blessings upon your life. Imagine a step-down transformer that receives power and just holds or stores it. What is likely to happen? The interesting thing is that channels constantly receive a fresh supply of that which they pass along. A water pipe which channels water to households will never be dry for as long as there is water that needs to flow. Tanks on the other hand run the risk of holding ‘stale’ water if they are not releasing it through taps or pipes. The longer the water stays in the tank, the riskier it becomes to use because contamination is highly likely. It begins to have a negative impact on the life of the tank. The question therefore is what will you be? Will you be a tank which just holds water or will you be a pipe that ensures the water is reaching the places where it is needed? Will you be a transformer that just holds and stores power or a line that allows the power to flow to the intended destination?

God expects us to be channels, pipes, pipelines, conduits for his blessings. Though he is everywhere and has the ability to engage with everyone at an individual level, he chooses to work through people. He uses people to meet other people’s needs. This builds our interdependence which is needful if we are to coexist.

We need to remain open to both giving and receiving in equal measure. What is important to note is that even the least of us in the society has something to give. There is no one who is completely empty-handed which brings me back to the mindset of abundance. For you to find something to give, you need to be operating from a mindset of abundance. When you think in shortages and scarcity, you will want to hoard that which you have received believing that by giving it out you will lose everything.

I challenge you to think deeply about how you can use all that is at your disposal to touch many lives around you by responding to the needs you can meet. Use your position, influence, resources, talents and anything you can lay claim to, to be a blessing.

In the second part of my book Blessed to be a Blessing, I discuss at length the various ways in which you can use that which you have to be a great blessing and make a huge difference in the lives of others. You can read more about this inside. Make a point of ordering a copy to explore this deeply. Call/text +254725832477.

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