Sunday, June 28, 2020

Securing Lasting Treasure.

As beautiful as the things of this world are, their nature is fleeting. I don’t know what your persuasion is but I am of the persuasion that there is a life to be lived beyond our time here on earth. I am also persuaded that there is more to us than just this physical body-that we are spiritual beings on a pilgrimage to a land far much better than anything we have here. There is immense beauty and pleasure in the world around us and we are by all means meant to enjoy it and take it in. However we lose out when that is all we get to enjoy. The pleasures beyond this dimension are at a totally different level and cannot be compared to what we have here.

It serves us well to invest beyond this realm by doing as much good to others as is in our power. Jesus talks about us storing up treasure in heaven where no thieves can break in and steal, no rust can destroy. Where there is no inflationary pressure. A place where the volatility of the markets has no effect on the value of your investment. During this COVID 19 crisis we know how much our investments have suffered and lost value in ways we couldn’t have imagined six months ago. This goes to show us that the world is a risky place to stake all your investment. In the investment world, we talk about diversification as a risk mitigation strategy. Few of us however take advantage of one of the most secure investment vehicles ever created. A vehicle that guarantees both immediate and eternal returns in unquantifiable amounts. Proverbs 19:17-He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given. When you make it your business to help the less fortunate, you are guaranteed a return on your investment. You can never out-give God no matter how hard you try. Beyond that which you receive in the here and now, you store up treasure in an eternal account which you will draw from forever. Who wouldn’t want an investment like that?

I invite you to consider giving this a try with everything you’ve got and not just money. Whatever you can give, whatever you can spare, use it for the good of God’s creation and store up for yourself eternal treasure. Whenever you humbly take it upon yourself to do good to any of God’s creatures, you remain assured that you will receive God’s backing to do more of the same and also put in place a treasure trove that will never be taken away from you. Every act of kindness will receive a befitting reward from He who owns the earth and everything in it.

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