Thursday, June 4, 2020

Keep an Open Hand.

When a child is born, he/she comes out with clenched fists. People have suggested that this is because the child comes holding everything he/she needs in this life. The story goes on to say that as the child grows, it begins to open its hands as a way of using that which was placed therein. I have no way to verify this theory but the one thing I know is that we all need to keep our hands open.

An open hand means a lot in the economy of God. To begin with, it means you are ready to receive that which God has to give. When your hands are full and occupied, there is no room for god to put in anything more. In a sense they are closed to reception. This is what happens when you keep on holding to things you are meant to let go of. You limit the hand of God from releasing more into your hands when you stretch a full, occupied hand. How would you handle your own child who cries for that which you are holding in your hand when its own hands are full of the same or even different things? If you are a reasonable patient, you would ask them to set what they have aside before you give anything else or demand that they finish that which they have before they ask for anything else. God deals with us the same way. For as long as our hands are full, we are closed to receiving something more. The only way to receive more is to give up that which we are holding.

Secondly, an open hand means there is room for anyone who wants to come and take what is in there. To keep an open hand is to let everyone know that you are willing to share that which you have and they can come at any time and ask you for help in the areas where you can help. To be a blessing to others requires that whatever is in your hand is accessible to them and they can make use of it as and when they need.

God’s hand is always open to give us that which we need for our lives. If we want to be in a position to impact the lives of others, we must learn to operate with an open hand policy. There is much to be gained by living our lives in this manner.

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Photo Courtesy of Masterfile.

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