Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Mindset of Abundance-I have all I need.

I have alluded to an abundance mindset throughout my discussion on gratitude. What is a mindset of abundance? This is the mentality that sees the fullness of everything around us. It is the opposite of a lack/scarcity mentality. An abundance mindset believes that there is enough for all of us in the universe.

Many of us live with a scarcity mentality and it explains a lot of our actions. When we hoard the things we have in life, we are living from scarcity. When we attempt to amass and feel secure only when we have everything in large quantities, we are displaying a scarcity mentality. When greed is the driving force for all our acquisitions, we are at the core of scarcity thinking. When we walk over others on our way to the top, we are operating from scarcity. The very idea of competition is perpetrated by a mentality of scarcity.

An abundance mindset realizes that the universe has more than sufficient for all of us. The thing is-as someone so aptly said-there is enough for all our needs but there will never be enough for all our greed. An abundance mindset does not look so much for what we are missing out on. It is more focused on what we have going for us. It sees our wealth and not our poverty. It focuses on our fullness and not our emptiness. It counts its blessings at every turn and does not forget the good that is happening. Such a mindset sees the opportunity in every difficulty even as others look for the difficulty in every opportunity. With this mindset, you know that there is more where that which has run out comes from.

You do not think that because someone else has been given or received a certain thing your own opportunity is gone. You realize that your own moment will come. Time and chance happen to all. Someone else’s success does not mean you have failed or will fail. It just serves as affirmation that success is possible for you too. It is not a zero sum game where there is nothing left for the others. Don’t allow yourself to be lied to by politicians or any other group into thinking that the winner takes all. Those artificial shortages are just a creation of people’s minds meant to create an ‘us versus them’ tussle.

An abundance mindset will help you see the wealth and provisions available for you left right and center. Only those with this mindset will appreciate their blessedness. To help you develop a mindset of abundance, check out my book Blessed to be a Blessing. You can order by calling/texting +254725832477. You can also enroll for my Signature Course Optimize Your Life to delve deeper into the discussion. 

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Photo at the Head, Courtesy of Project Life Mastery.

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