Monday, June 29, 2020

Be all you can be.

Imagine what a beautiful place the world would be if we all became all we can be and did all we can do. The world is worse off because we choose to sleep on our abilities, gifts, talents and resources. I am on a mission to change as much of that as possible and this article is meant to challenge you to bring out the best of yourself and share it with the world.

Why do we settle for a life that is much less than all it can be? For whose benefit do we withhold our awesomeness and ability to make a difference? The truth is we do no one any favors by living a life that is less than all we can be.

Starting today, make it a point of understanding and embracing all you are and have. Desire to channel all of your energy into meaningful activity for your good and the good of others around you. The best time to become all you can be is not tomorrow or some date in the future. Right here and now, you have the opportunity to make a difference where you have been placed.

In Blessed to be a Blessing I explore a majority of the things you have going for you and I would love to encourage you to get yourself a copy to gain a deeper understanding of all you have. Armed with this knowledge, it is imperative that you make a point of exploiting all of your endowments in the places where they are most needed. In my own life, I have made a choice to bring out all that I am before I fly away to another place.

I love the advice of King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 9:10.  If I would paraphrase it this is how I would put it. Be all you can be and do all you can do while you are here because in the place where you go afterwards, there is no room to do anything else. The reality of your mortality should act as motivation for you to actualize yourself before your time here is done. When we fail to actualize ourselves, we have denied everyone the opportunity to experience a masterpiece. You have been created with attributes unique to you which are meant to come out and be fully expressed while you are here. Failure to do so means the world misses out on something that will never be again. When you realize that, it should drive you enough to want to do all within your power to manifest the greatness within you.

Whatever you do, make it your aim to be all you can be and you will be glad you did it. it all boils down to stewardship of everything given to you. In stewardship, faithfulness can never be overemphasized.

What are some of the things you know you need to be in this life? How much of that are you doing? What hinders you from becoming all you can be? What help would get you doing just that? Share in the comments below and let’s help each other out.

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Photo Credits: Inspirational Perspective. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Securing Lasting Treasure.

As beautiful as the things of this world are, their nature is fleeting. I don’t know what your persuasion is but I am of the persuasion that there is a life to be lived beyond our time here on earth. I am also persuaded that there is more to us than just this physical body-that we are spiritual beings on a pilgrimage to a land far much better than anything we have here. There is immense beauty and pleasure in the world around us and we are by all means meant to enjoy it and take it in. However we lose out when that is all we get to enjoy. The pleasures beyond this dimension are at a totally different level and cannot be compared to what we have here.

It serves us well to invest beyond this realm by doing as much good to others as is in our power. Jesus talks about us storing up treasure in heaven where no thieves can break in and steal, no rust can destroy. Where there is no inflationary pressure. A place where the volatility of the markets has no effect on the value of your investment. During this COVID 19 crisis we know how much our investments have suffered and lost value in ways we couldn’t have imagined six months ago. This goes to show us that the world is a risky place to stake all your investment. In the investment world, we talk about diversification as a risk mitigation strategy. Few of us however take advantage of one of the most secure investment vehicles ever created. A vehicle that guarantees both immediate and eternal returns in unquantifiable amounts. Proverbs 19:17-He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given. When you make it your business to help the less fortunate, you are guaranteed a return on your investment. You can never out-give God no matter how hard you try. Beyond that which you receive in the here and now, you store up treasure in an eternal account which you will draw from forever. Who wouldn’t want an investment like that?

I invite you to consider giving this a try with everything you’ve got and not just money. Whatever you can give, whatever you can spare, use it for the good of God’s creation and store up for yourself eternal treasure. Whenever you humbly take it upon yourself to do good to any of God’s creatures, you remain assured that you will receive God’s backing to do more of the same and also put in place a treasure trove that will never be taken away from you. Every act of kindness will receive a befitting reward from He who owns the earth and everything in it.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Burden of Excess

Excess is the opposite of Minimalism. It is defined as exceeding the prescribed or desirable amount. It could also be defined as lack of moderation especially when it comes to eating or drinking. An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable can be labelled excess.

 You live in excess when there is much baggage accompanying you around/clinging to your life. Excess keeps you from enjoying life yet it was meant to offer you that enjoyment. We live in excess when we get into the habit of amassing more and more toys with the mistaken notion that more is better. Excess is fueled by our insatiable greed to get our hands on the latest and the greatest. Couple that with the consumerism that has plagued our generation and there is a perfect recipe for excess living. This explains why consumer goods manufacturers will keep producing more and more and spending huge amounts on aggressive marketing campaigns to get us buying up more and more. Excess or large living happens when we fail to put a break on our appetites and outgrow our insatiability.

It is common knowledge that stuff does not have the ability to fulfill us and our deepest longings. Yet in that moment when we are getting our next toy, we mistakenly believe that we have reached the holy grail of satisfaction. The cycle repeats itself because after playing with it for a few days, the excitement wears off and we need something else to occupy ourselves with. King Solomon had first-hand experience of the futility of it all which made him come to the conclusion that it is all in vain. Here was a man who had the means to get his hands on all the pleasures available in his time and he did it to his fill. It is noted that he didn’t withhold anything from his eyes. He indulged all his senses in ways we probably will never do because for him there was no limit on what he could do. When such a man concludes it is vanity, he is not doing it to make himself feel good. He is speaking out of a genuine experience. When the ultra-wealthy come to the conclusion that there is more to life than acquiring stuff, it means more than when it comes from someone who has yet to make their kind of money. We do ourselves a favor when we pay attention to what those who have been there tell us because it is born out of experience. From this I bet it is clear that one of the burdens you note about living large is that you will never live large enough because greed is insatiable. You have to learn to live from a point of contentment if your life will go well.

The more you purchase, the more you have to maintain your purchases. It is wise to count the cost of what you are about to acquire to tell whether you are willing to put in the time. Cars need to be serviced regularly, extra homes need to be maintained though you live there for just a few days every year. I was watching a YouTube video on where they were counting the cost of owning a private jet and the amounts were staggering. When you think about hiring crew for the jet, landing and parking fees, regular maintenance, deicing, fuel to name a few of the associated costs, you realize it is not a walk in the park. Well, you might not be thinking of owning a private jet but the idea I am driving t is that it is costly to maintain whatever toy or trinket you buy yourself. It is imperative therefore to ask yourself whether you really need it before you splurge on it because the cost does not end at the buying price. You have to look beyond that to get clearer picture.

Living large can also curtail your ability to be of greater service to the world around you. I know generosity is a matter of the heart and there are people who are not in the least bothered by the lack of it. My belief however is that those people are in the minority. I am persuaded that many of us want to do as much good as we possibly can. Excess living takes away from our ability to do that. This is because it not only digs deep into our pocket, it also ends up consuming more of our time than we would care to admit.

I am not against you or anybody else for that matter enjoying their lives because life is meant to be enjoyed. My concerns are directed more towards ensuring that as you enjoy the blessings bestowed on you, you spare a thought for those who are not as privileged as you are. Think about how cutting out excess will free up some resources to make a difference in someone’s life out there. Aspire to be a blessing with the blessings in your own life.

What more can you add in the comments with regard to the weights and burdens of an excess life? Go ahead and enlighten us all further. Learn more about how you can use the resources at your disposal for your good and the good of others by getting a copy of my book Blessed to be a Blessing. To order call +254725832477.

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Monday, June 22, 2020

Benefits of Minimalism

What benefits can I derive from a minimalist lifestyle?

The most obvious benefit that comes to mind is you can do so much more in terms of generosity and charity courtesy of the savings you make from choosing such a lifestyle. Let’s say you are not so radical and as a result you only manage to cut down your expenditure by a third of what it was. Think about how many more people you can support and be a blessing to with such savings. In my book Blessed to be a Blessing I encourage you to find ways of using what you have in your hands to be a blessing to others. Minimalism definitely gives you greater leverage to do this kind of thing because of the resources you save as a result of living simply.

Minimalism also frees up your time. When you need to work multiple jobs to support your lifestyle, one of the things that happens is that you have no time left to do the things you love. When you choose to cut out excess, you find yourself with more time on your hands than you thought possible. This time can be used to connect with the things you truly care about. Things which thrill your heart.

It brings peace of mind and heart to you. When the pace of your life reduces, you become more peaceful and easy to be around. You are no longer stretched psychologically and emotionally to breaking point. This peace of mind could lead to a longer life and a better quality of life.

It releases your creativity. Sometimes you need to step back from too much activity to give your mind the opportunity to create. When you are busy chasing paper, it is possible to get lost in routine tasks and have no time to do anything meaningful in terms of optimizing your mind’s creativity.

Finally minimalism has the added side effect of a better environment for everyone. When we keep our emissions low, reducing our carbon footprint, we are being kind not only to ourselves but future generations that come after us.  It is in the best interests of everyone to operate in a friendlier environment if not for anything else but the health benefits that accompany that.

Read the first two chapters of Blessed to be a Blessing here

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Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Minimalist Life

A Minimalist Life

Have you heard the statement ‘less is more’ being used out there?

The Book of Proverbs describes a minimalist life as follows. Proverbs 15:16-17 ‘Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure with trouble. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fatted calf with hatred.’

A minimalist lifestyle believes less is more. It is a lifestyle that steers clear of unnecessary excess. The truth is that a lot of the things we think we need in life are just baggage that doesn’t add much value to us nor enrich our experience in life.

A minimalist life is one where you have become clear what you need to function in life, acquire it and forget about the rest. It is not chosen because of poverty or lack. When you are poor, you cannot say you are living a minimalist life. For you it is not a choice. It is your reality. But when a wealthy individual chooses to cut out excess from his life, then that becomes a minimalist lifestyle.

Billionaires are some of the people you will find picking up this practice because they have had opportunity to live that other life and concluded it is not worth it. Talk about Warren Buffet who has lived in the same house he bought in the 1960’s. Many of us cannot imagine living in the same place we were before we became millionaires and then billionaires. There are some who still do their own laundry like Mark Cuban. Others cannot imagine buying an expensive coffee. It is not about their ability to afford these things but a choice to live without needing them.

Many of the things we acquire in life end up possessing us instead of it being the other way. If your acquisitions keep you in a rat race trying to maintain them then it is time to ask whether you need those acquisitions. If you are spending more money keeping things running than you initially thought was going to be the case, it is time to consider a minimalist approach. 

Minimalism is about reducing your needs to the bare minimum. I hear the Japanese are very good at this kind of thing. They keep their houses small in size deliberately. They also drive the simplest cars you can imagine though they manufacture big guzzlers for export. This keeps their country free of excessive pollution and protects their environment a great deal.

The excesses in our lives are purely a matter of ego. The bigger our ego the more the things we want to acquire to feel fulfilled. Our ego makes us compare ourselves to those around us and we constantly seek to go one better than them. Keeping up with the Joneses has cost us to lose our lives in the process. When we come to terms with the truth that more does not necessarily guarantee a better quality of life, then we learn to stick with what makes us happy and ignore the rest.

What do you think about embracing a minimalist life? How would a minimalist lifestyle improve your ability to be a blessing to others? What else would you be able to accomplish in terms of serving others if you embraced a minimalist lifestyle.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A giver’s heart.

A giver’s heart.

Giving is a matter of the heart. The amount as significant as it is, is secondary to the state of your heart as a giver. Whenever you give, work through your heart first to see that it is in the right place because that is more important than any other thing you can think of.

What drives your giving? People are motivated by varied reasons to give or not to give. There are noble reasons and some not so noble reasons. Your giving should flow from a heart of gratitude. We give as a way of expressing gratitude to God the ultimate giver.  We also give to meet the needs of others which we can see and identify with. We give to be blessed when we understand that it is more blessed to give than to receive. We give in obedience to God’s instructions to us throughout scripture. We five to make a difference in the life of another person.

In the same vein, there some not so noble motivations like I mentioned above. When we give to receive applause, we he lost it. When we give in order to receive-transactional-then we have missed the point. Neither should we give simply to end the nagging of those who need our help. Basically giving needs to be about the other person and not a selfish affair.

A person with a giver’s heart will go out of his way to help when it is needed. They help regardless of what is going on in their own lives. They are willing to share even that which seems like it cannot be shared because it is too little. Such an individual will be willing to speak to others who can help in this situation for as long as the person is helped. He/she gives to his/her own detriment sometimes because of an overarching concern for the welfare of the recipient. My wife has such a generous spirit that even when we are struggling to make ends meet, she will still find a way to help someone who comes to her expressing dire need for help. I have been privileged to see a givers heart at close quarters.

To be a blessing in the life of others, requires you to cultivate a giver’s heart. One of the things that can help in this regard, is to remind yourself that everything you have was received from someone, somewhere. Whether you consider yourself self-made or not, some people somewhere have been involved in helping you get to where you are today. Without belittling your own efforts, which are valid, it is important that you also acknowledge the contributions of others to your success. This will give you the drive to want to give a helping hand to someone who is in dire need just like your own hand was held by someone else at your hour of need. Remember giving is not limited to money. We make a big mistake when we think that the only help that matters is financial in nature. Sometimes making time to hear someone out means more and certainly costs more than you can imagine. A word of advice that helps you navigate an uncertain path is worth more than any money you would be offered by anyone. Think about giving from a perspective that is wider than just money.

How would you say you are doing with regard to your attitude towards giving? How will you cultivate a givers heart going forward? Feel free to share your thoughts on this matter in the comments below.

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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Make room for more

                                            Make room for more.

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Ecclesiastes 11:3 if the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth.

The status of your storehouse says a lot about your generosity or lack of it. If your storehouse is full of things that have been there for ages, then it is a cloud full of rain. If there are things in there you are not sure when you last used and have no idea when next you will use, you are a cloud full of rain.

This section applies to ladies mostly. How do your wardrobe and shoe rack look like? You can tell a lot about your fullness or lack of it by assessing these two areas. There are people who have more shoes than the number of days in the year. I don’t want to start with handbags, jewelry and all manner of accessories. Just by looking at this two areas, you can see the excess that is in your life. Allow me to say that this will apply to very many other areas of your life if you care to look. I say this not to condemn or guilt trip anybody. The point I am driving at is you need to empty your life of excess.

There is so much more that would flow into your life but there is no room for it. My encouragement is let go of the things you no longer use so that you create room for those you need at this point in your life. Sometimes we hold on to things for sentimental reasons and it is understandable but when the very presence of those things means we cannot have what we need right now, then it is a no-brainer that we need to let them go. For example why would your garage be full of old vehicles you are no longer using such that your current vehicle has to stay outside?

Make a habit of decluttering your life and your rooms regularly. Be ruthless about getting rid of things you no longer need so that you may create room for the things that really matter in your life right now. Another good example would be parents who are done with raising children yet they still want to hold on to new born baby stuff. What is the point? Sometimes giving takes some burdens off your shoulders that you failed to realize were burdens to begin with. Anything in your life that you are not using, and there are no prospects of needing it in the future should be given out to someone who really needs it. That way, you have more room to keep those things which are relevant to your current circumstances.

Blessing others could be as simple as you getting hold of things that are of little to no use to you yet highly useful to someone else and giving them out to such persons. You do not have to spend a dime to be a blessing to others. There is so much you can give if only you take the time to do it. 

Today, take time to look through your stuff and identify what you can give away for the simple reason that you don’t need it. You can go ahead and share with us in the comments what you have identified and given away to encourage someone else to do the same.

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Monday, June 8, 2020

Myopic Vision

Myopic Vision

What is Myopic Vision?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word myopia? How would you define myopic vision? What are the effects of myopic vision on your capacity to enjoy life? These are some of the questions I want to answer throughout this article.

Some synonyms for myopic include shortsighted, nearsighted. To be myopic also means you are unimaginative, uncreative, unadventurous and narrow-minded.

Oftentimes we can tell physiological myopia in ourselves and others because you do not struggle to identify it. I personally struggle with it to a certain extent which explains why I always want to sit as close as possible to the speaker/teacher or trainer lest I miss out on what they are demonstrating because of distance.

I am more concerned however with a different kind of myopia in this article. While Medical, physiological myopia is easy to identify, the kind of myopia I want to focus on is more subtle in nature. When it comes to recognizing our blessedness and abundance, most of us struggle to see beyond the surface. There are many reasons for this kind of thing. I will enumerate some of them below.

Causes of Myopic Vision

We are trained from a young age to look for shiny things. Our definition of the blessed is limited to only the things valued by the wider society. We want to drive the biggest car, live in the coolest neighborhood, hold a high paying job and receive the accolades of our peers and such like things. For the record, none of these things is bad in and of itself. The problem arises when we make these the only standard by which we determine success and blessedness. This is how myopic vision is formed. When our focus becomes what everyone else is focusing on, we miss out on all the other good things that are around us.

Familiarity. They say it breeds contempt and this is as true as it can get. We never outgrow our childish tendencies however old we grow unless we make a conscious decision to do so. Like children we are fascinated with things just for a moment before we get bored and go on to the next thrill. We can spend a whole year as children craving for a particular toy. When our parents finally come around to buying it for us, we only enjoy its novelty for the moment. Give it two or three days and the novelty has faded off. We are back where we started. What happens? We are just experiencing the effect of familiarity. Before we had it, it was all we ever wanted. Spend some time with it however and it becomes part of the furniture. Think about the things in your life that are now part of the furniture. Has your health become part of the furniture? What about your ability to move a limb? The air you breath? Remember how that degree was a big deal before you had it. What you take or granted today was once a far-fetched dream. Never forget that.

We are lazy. It takes some deep introspection to see some of the things we have. There are certain great things in our lives that lie beneath the surface. I like giving this example of how pain is registered in your brain. Imagine what would happen if you didn’t have a nervous system. It would mean you can have your foot on fire for 20 minutes before you notice it is burning up. That would mean you have lost an entire foot depending on the severity of the fire. The question therefore is, how significant is your nervous system? Without a doubt it is a very critical system for the functioning of your body. I then ask another question, Can you see your nerves? Not with a naked eye. I could go further and say that I have never seen any of my nerves. I have only read about the system in biology. As a result it is possible never to take note of it and the vital role it plays in my life. It takes a deep, focused look to see it for what it is. What is the lesson here? Some of the great things we have in our lives are not easily found on the surface. Unless we dig deep there is no way we will be made aware of them. Digging deep means some work must be put in. This is not an endeavor for the lazy and unmotivated.

A lack of imagination. We can blame our lack of imagination when it comes to seeing things in a narrow minded way. Because of this, we fail to appreciate the myriad ways we can interpret what is before us. It is not so much what is before us that matters but the interpretation we bring to it. A wise man once said, we see things not as they are but as we are. Our perception is more important than the physical thing we see before us. When one person sees a cypress tree, all they can think of is firewood, someone else will see it and think furniture, another will see timber for roofing purposes, yet another one will think only of its aesthetic value. Each of these people, has a degree of imagination to come to these conclusions. Someone else will see all these possibilities at once. What you need to do is develop what I call 360 degree thinking. With this you purpose to look at things from all possible perspectives so that at the end of the day, you have what it takes to make right choices.

Effects of Myopic Vision.

This kind of vision leaves you with little to be grateful for. When you see things only in black and white, you are bound to miss out on many things you could be grateful for. They say every cloud has a silver lining. With myopia you miss out on all those silver linings and remain focused only on the darkness of the cloud.

Myopic vision limits your possibilities. When you can’t see around the bend, you are limited to seeing only what is before you. This means a lot you could take note of passes you by. You cannot function without the things you can see. You are limited to what is in your line of vision.

It means you identify opportunities too late in the day. The people who make it big in some places are the early adopters. I am sure you are familiar with people who enter certain lines of business hoping to make a killing but are disappointed. They never seem to know why because everyone before them seemed to be making it in the same line. It is possible, they missed the bus by coming in too late. By the time you hear it is a deal, it is no longer a deal. By the time it is public knowledge, steer clear of it. There is no money to be made unless you give it a twist of your own. MJ Demarco speaks about it in the Commandment of Entry in his book The Millionaire Fastlane.

With this vision you live from a place of lack. You see shortages everywhere in your life. You are poor in the midst of plenty. Reminds me of Midas who thought that all he needed in life is gold. He asked Dionysus to bless him such that everything he touched would turn into gold. When he was granted his wish, life became much more complicated than he imagined. When he touched his food, it turned to gold. When he embraced his daughter she became a fine statue of gold. What joy would all that gold bring him? It wasn’t long before he sought a reversal. Don’t be like Midas.

This vision is responsible for much of the complaining you see around you. I can see it with the Jews when they complained to Moses about his taking them from Egypt. They had the audacity to tell Moses that they were better off in captivity. They were an early manifestation of the Stockholm Syndrome. They spoke about the food they used to have in Egypt forgetting the torture and torment they had been under. They failed to see what God had done for them and where He was taking them to. Myopia makes us think only of today and what we can have today. It is a great loss.

Curing Myopic Vision

Just like there are remedies for physiological myopia, there are ways of dealing with the kind of myopia we have discussed here. The simplest remedy is to become more aware of your environment. You must slow down to give yourself a chance to embrace the things which pass you by because of your rush. Instead of living only for the destination, we must learn to enjoy the journey as has been so often said. The practice of mindfulness has huge benefits for those who do not want to remain myopic in their perspective. With it you learn to take everything in as you go alone. You understand that every moment is rich and must be fully savored. A mindset of abundance also helps us see beyond the surface into the depths of what is. Finally a belief in the supernatural goes a long way in expanding our vision beyond what is logical.


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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Keep an Open Hand.

When a child is born, he/she comes out with clenched fists. People have suggested that this is because the child comes holding everything he/she needs in this life. The story goes on to say that as the child grows, it begins to open its hands as a way of using that which was placed therein. I have no way to verify this theory but the one thing I know is that we all need to keep our hands open.

An open hand means a lot in the economy of God. To begin with, it means you are ready to receive that which God has to give. When your hands are full and occupied, there is no room for god to put in anything more. In a sense they are closed to reception. This is what happens when you keep on holding to things you are meant to let go of. You limit the hand of God from releasing more into your hands when you stretch a full, occupied hand. How would you handle your own child who cries for that which you are holding in your hand when its own hands are full of the same or even different things? If you are a reasonable patient, you would ask them to set what they have aside before you give anything else or demand that they finish that which they have before they ask for anything else. God deals with us the same way. For as long as our hands are full, we are closed to receiving something more. The only way to receive more is to give up that which we are holding.

Secondly, an open hand means there is room for anyone who wants to come and take what is in there. To keep an open hand is to let everyone know that you are willing to share that which you have and they can come at any time and ask you for help in the areas where you can help. To be a blessing to others requires that whatever is in your hand is accessible to them and they can make use of it as and when they need.

God’s hand is always open to give us that which we need for our lives. If we want to be in a position to impact the lives of others, we must learn to operate with an open hand policy. There is much to be gained by living our lives in this manner.

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Photo Courtesy of Masterfile.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Become a Channel.

A channel is a medium through which content flows from one point to another. To illustrate this, think about Television channels as mediums for the dissemination of news and targeted programming. A pipeline helps petroleum products move from the port to the hinterland where it is needed. Water and electricity are moved from one point to another through a grid which is another example of a channel.

Channels keep life going and things running as far from the source as they can go. People depend on channels to receive what would otherwise be difficult for them to receive. Think about how we transfer power from the Owen Falls and the Seven Forks to our industrial Areas in Nairobi and beyond. It would be inconceivable without proper power transmission channels.

In life, we are expected to be channels of God’s blessings into other people’s lives. The expectation is that whatever we receive ends up helping many people further down the road. The blessings you have received, are not meant to for you alone. God looks at you as a channel through which he is able to reach others who come across your path. In becoming a channel, you allow God’s blessing to flow through you and reach all the people who need to experience it in their own situations and circumstances. Whenever you receive an overflow of anything, it is time for you to ask yourself who God wants you to extend it towards. There are many needs around you if you care to look just like there is so much you can give when you think about all we have been discussing concerning your blessedness.

There are people who are like step-down transformers which receive power and distribute according to the needs of the local area. You need to become like them when it comes to the distribution of the blessings upon your life. Imagine a step-down transformer that receives power and just holds or stores it. What is likely to happen? The interesting thing is that channels constantly receive a fresh supply of that which they pass along. A water pipe which channels water to households will never be dry for as long as there is water that needs to flow. Tanks on the other hand run the risk of holding ‘stale’ water if they are not releasing it through taps or pipes. The longer the water stays in the tank, the riskier it becomes to use because contamination is highly likely. It begins to have a negative impact on the life of the tank. The question therefore is what will you be? Will you be a tank which just holds water or will you be a pipe that ensures the water is reaching the places where it is needed? Will you be a transformer that just holds and stores power or a line that allows the power to flow to the intended destination?

God expects us to be channels, pipes, pipelines, conduits for his blessings. Though he is everywhere and has the ability to engage with everyone at an individual level, he chooses to work through people. He uses people to meet other people’s needs. This builds our interdependence which is needful if we are to coexist.

We need to remain open to both giving and receiving in equal measure. What is important to note is that even the least of us in the society has something to give. There is no one who is completely empty-handed which brings me back to the mindset of abundance. For you to find something to give, you need to be operating from a mindset of abundance. When you think in shortages and scarcity, you will want to hoard that which you have received believing that by giving it out you will lose everything.

I challenge you to think deeply about how you can use all that is at your disposal to touch many lives around you by responding to the needs you can meet. Use your position, influence, resources, talents and anything you can lay claim to, to be a blessing.

In the second part of my book Blessed to be a Blessing, I discuss at length the various ways in which you can use that which you have to be a great blessing and make a huge difference in the lives of others. You can read more about this inside. Make a point of ordering a copy to explore this deeply. Call/text +254725832477.

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