Friday, October 7, 2022

What It takes: A Strong Why


What is your why?

If someone asked you why you are chasing your dream, what would you say? You need a compelling reason to keep grinding especially when the going gets tough. A strong why ensures that you continue plowing until you see the results you are looking for.

What is going to happen when you have done what you are chasing? What results keep you motivated to go again tomorrow. It is good to be clear on why you are pursuing a certain cause to the exclusion of others. Your why is the fuel that keeps you going when quitting feels like the better option. Your why goes beyond the surface and looks at the core of your being.

A good question to ask is the 5 whys. It is important to seek the reason behind the reasons because only then can you keep going regardless of the opposition.

A strong why is an important component of whatever dream you are chasing. It is the ultimate benefit of al your efforts. It looks at the desired end. Without a clear desired end, you won’t be sure when and where to stop. With a defined destiny, you are clear on when to call it a day with whatever it is you are pursuing. A strong why will keep you focused and make it difficult to get distracted.

One of the things you have to fight on the path to your dreams is the Shiny Object Syndrome. There will always be exciting things along your path. Many of them are meant to take your eyes off the prize. Unless you know where and why you are going, it is easy to follow the next ‘big thing’. SOS will not be able to get a hold of you if you are passionate about your pursuit. Predators like lions have learnt to focus their attention on the prey they have chosen to the exclusion of anything else. Sometimes that kind of tunnel vision is what will work for you in taking you closer to your dreams. The tunnel might be uncomfortable, stressful and taxing on you but when you remember why you are doing it, you will be driven to persevere.

A strong why builds a persistent resilient spirit. The pursuit of dreams is often met with significant resistance. If your dream is worth pursuing, it will wear you out.  You will contend with untold opposition to test your resolve. The only thing that will keep you sane is the reason for the pursuit. If your why is weak, then you won’t last a day pursuing. If you have a mind fortified by the desire to make it, then your job is mostly done.

It pushes you out of your comfort zone. All of us have a comfort zone where we apply minimal effort and see things happening. That is a dangerous place to be because it leaves you exposed should there be a change of circumstances and life begins to demand for more from you. When the reason for action is huge, you will be willing to go into uncomfortable places and do a number of unpleasant tasks to get the difficulty out of the way. We have seen people come up with ransom money simply because a loved one was about to lose their life. How come this money is always available yet under normal circumstances it is hard to come by? It all boils down to a strong why.

It unlocks your innovation and creativity. With a strong reason, you will iterate until you get what you are looking for. It is said that necessity is the mother of innovation. The reason why your innovation game is down is that you have not been put into a corner. The moment you find yourself in that place where you have to think of a way out, you will surely find it. When the consequence of not getting something done threatens what is valuable to you, you will find a way around it. The reason why you would quit on your dream is that there is no compelling reason for achieving it. If there was, you would think about it until you have a solution. 

A strong why could either be something you are trying to get away from or get towards. The question you must answer is why am I on the path I have chosen? Why should I push beyond the current resistance? Only if I know that when all is said and done, I will rejoice. Before anything else, find your why.

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