Friday, October 14, 2022

What it Takes: Bias for Action


Bias for action

Have you ever heard of the paralysis of analysis? Too much of anything can be detrimental in the long run. I respect thought processes and encourage people to think about what they want. I also respect the need to sharpen your tools before you set out to work. A sharp tool is vital to efficient work. However there reaches a point where action is the only thing that will move you forward.

It is necessary to prepare but it is also possible to overstay in the preparation phase. I don’t know whether there is a psychological term for it but sometimes people hide behind preparation while doing nothing constructive. All the theory you gather means nothing until you start applying it in real life situations. Dreams remain just that until you choose to step out and actualize.

Those who see their dreams become a reality have learnt to shorten the time between dreaming and action. In short, they have a bias for action. The more time you spend weighing the pros and cons of your dream the more likely you are not to get started on it. Consult as much as you want but the bottom line is that no amount of consultation will make up for your lack of action.

It is better to take that first step than to keep thinking about taking it. I agree that sometimes are better than others to get started on a certain pursuit but if you don’t have the luxury of time, it is wise to start where you are with what you have right away. Things have a way of coming together to enable the ball roll on once you take the first kick. Concerning your dream, what is the first thing you can do about it today. Forget about 100 steps ahead. What is that baby step you can take. Taking it will separate you from the club of dreamers to that of doers. Nobody will celebrate you if all you do is dream. Dreams alone don’t change the world. Action, concerted, consistent action is what gets it done.

At the beginning the quality of your action is not so important. It is better to start by putting in the work then refine it as you go along. Those who wait until they can do it perfectly seldom get started. If you can put in large quantities of action, it is easy to iterate and get better as the days go by. In the tech world the mantra is ‘done is better than perfect.’ Many people are stuck pursuing perfection and they end up with ideals in their heads but nothing on the ground. Your highest thoughts amount to nothing for as long as they are not actioned.

Many times, it is never about the quality of the dream. It boils down to the quality of the execution. There is a story about Kenya and how we have some of the best policy papers anyone can come up with out there. The sad bit is that we never implement them and others come, pick them up and run with them. Results come from action not wishes. It takes massive action to change the status quo. If your dream will see the light of day, that bias for action is indispensable.  

Let me invite you to take some action right now? If you are not subscribed to this blog, then pause right now and subscribe to ensure you never miss out on anything we share. Join other dreamers on my weekly newsletter here

 I also want to challenge you to write down the next step you can take today towards your goal. Take it then share with me what that action is. 

Till next week. 


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