Thursday, March 17, 2022

Approaches to Investment: 5 Strategies to Use


While savings are a great step on your wealth creation journey, there’s more to it. Savings should be looked at as a boarding stage for the crucial part of the journey. Investment is the point at which things get exciting. Get it right and you will be in a position to smile at the future. Miss the bus and you will live to rue the opportunity. Investment happens when you use the savings you have collected to generate more money. It is releasing your money into certain trusted instruments with the aim of multiplying it. At the level of an investor, you are no longer working for money but finding ways of making your money work for you. What are some of the investment strategies you can deploy to get your money working for you?


Before we delve into that, what are the signs that you are ready for investment?

You are ready for investment if,

-You can afford to put money away

-There are no debt obligations bogging you down

-You have enough to cover your bills after investment

-You have a good risk tolerance

This is determined by a number of factors including Age, goals, lifestyle, financial situation, expected returns, income and retirement window. The young can take more risks, the old have no such luxury.

What is an investment strategy?

A set of principles designed to help an investor achieve their financial and investment goals. Some are conservative, others are highly aggressive. They are not static and can be reviewed periodically so that you adjust depending on your circumstances. The best strategies should help you meet your financial goals and grow your wealth while maintaining a level of risk that lets you sleep at night.

There are numerous strategies you can apply towards investment. They include

1)      Value investing. This is the strategy that Warren Buffet has employed to grow his wealth through 6 plus decades. With this strategy you seek out undervalued stocks of companies whose intrinsic value is greater than what the stock price is saying about it. It works from the standpoint of how the market can be irrational in assigning value to different stocks. This irrationality gives investors unique opportunities to buy highly valued stocks at discounted prices. This is a strategy for those who are keen on playing the long game. With value investing you buy a business not just the hottest stock on the market. It requires significant research, effort and patience to hack.

2)      Growth Investing. Look for investments that offer strong upside potential when it comes to future earnings of stocks. It involves evaluating the current health of the stock as well as the growth potential. It is about looking at the prospects of a stock before you buy it. You look at recent records to see evidence of growth and whether what it deals in is something the public wants and uses. It involves fundamentally analyzing financial statements and factors about the company behind the stock.

You must be ready to analyze the management prowess of the executive team of the company you are investing in. How does it achieve its growth? Through business activity or borrowing? You must also look at competitors to determine whether it is a dominant player with a competitive advantage.

3)      Momentum Investing. With this strategy buy stocks on an upward trend. The slogan is buy high and sell higher. You are strictly driven by data and look for patterns in stock prices to guide your purchasing decisions. According to Rob Arnott the fees and expenses related to momentum investing negate the gains you would expect to get from the stocks. This requires you to be constantly on, making decisions about what to buy and what to sell. It can be labor intensive.

4)      Dollar cost averaging. This strategy focuses on Making regular investments in the market overtime. You choose a regular amount to invest every month. It is a disciplined approach and you can use automated features that invest for you. It saves you from the stress of market timing. When investments happen in regular increments, the investor captures prices at all levels.

Keeps you committed to saving while reducing the level of risk and effects of volatility. Not good for those with a lump sum to invest. Ideal for those with little amounts to invest overtime. It prevents spontaneous illogical behavior.

5)      Other Worthy Mentions

Buy and Hold

Time in the market is better than timing the market. Assumption is that short term volatility will be corrected by long term returns. This is considered lazy because of its passivity.

Core and satellite

Buy a large index fund as the core element of the portfolio and other little funds as satellites. This reduces risk through diversification, achieves above average returns with below average risk.

Tactical Asset Allocation

A style where the three main asset classes(stocks, bonds and cash ) are actively balanced to maximize returns and minimize risk.

Best strategy?

I wish it was easy to point at one strategy that beats all others. Unfortunately the answer to the question: what is the best strategy is it depends. It depends on the amount of time you want to use in the process of investing, what your end goal is, how much you have at hand to invest alongside many other considerations. As such, you should choose a method that resonates with you and keep adjusting through the different seasons of your journey. What strategy do you think you are going to use on your investment journey and why?

Financial Literacy Open Day coming up on 26/03/2022 at Hotel Green Court Latema Rd. purpose to be there and invite many to come alongside you.





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