Wednesday, August 5, 2020


A dream remains just that until you create a structure around its realization. The plan is that structure that brings about form to your dreams. A plan is the roadmap that will guide you from where you are to where you want to end at. To ensure success someone said you need to pray as though everything depends on God and plan as though everything depends on you. Great things are accomplished when man co-works with God in perfect harmony. There are two dangers inherently found here. On the one hand, we have those who leave everything in the hands of fate (God). They mistakenly believe that the stars will get aligned in their favor. That whatever higher power they believe in will do what needs to be done and lead them to the enjoyment of the fruit. This view is wrong and downplays the contribution of mere mortals to the realization of great feats. On the other hand, there is the view that believes in the indispensability of human effort in the accomplishment of these great feats. Such are those who believe that it is purely human ingenuity that has and can accomplish great feats. They downplay and negate the impact of the invisible higher power. They limit themselves significantly because this means they cannot tap into what is unseen and unlimited. Both views are wrong. The victory is found in the middle ground where we have God and man each playing their own role effectively leading to the realization of great aspirations.

There is no substitute for planning. The greater your dream, the more elaborate your planning needs to be. Planning is a function of management. You must see yourself as the manager over your dreams. Realize that things don’t just happen by chance. Acknowledge that it takes the diligent planning and execution of plans to move from where you are to where you want to be. I love the Swahili proverb ‘Ukiona vyaelea jua vimeundwa’ loosely translated it means, whatever you see has been put in place by someone’s effort. We do not sleep our way into realizing our dreams. We are called upon to stand up and pursue unwaveringly that which we are convicted of and committed to.

Planning is about counting the cost. What is it going to take to realize the dream? You ask yourself whether you have the resources in place to get the job done. At the planning stage you gather all what you need to build your dream house. Here you weigh your options to choose the best way forward. Here you also determine how long it will take you, who you need to tag along, what is the fastest, cost effective and sustainable path to follow in the pursuit of your dream. Planning is about mapping out the details so that you don’t leave more than you should to chance. It doesn’t lock God out. It just ensures that man takes care of his end of the bargain. You don’t want to get to the point of saying what will be, will be. That is the posture of a man who is helpless and who sees himself as a victim with no choice whatsoever what happens to them. You also want to avoid the posture of a know-it-all who doesn’t need anyone else’s input towards their success. You will make things unnecessarily difficult for yourself if you take this stance.

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