Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Go Hard or Go Home


Apply Yourself

In Kiswahili we call it ‘Kujituma.’ Please take note of the fact that nothing happens by chance. This ancient principle still holds true. Every effect has a cause. It is very important especially at the beginning of whatever endeavor it is you are on to-to go hard. For as long as you are clear on what it is you need to do now. It is essential to give it your best shot.

Many of us make half-hearted attempts and as a result end up with mediocre results in life. Self-application is at the center of a fulfilling life. Application means devoting yourself to the task at hand and withholding nothing back. It is about applying 10X mentality to all your tasks and endeavors as Grant Cardone puts it.

It means going out of your way as often as is needed to get things done and that well. Application does not choose the path of least resistance. If the challenging path is the only one that will lead to the desired result, then a person with this trait will get on it and push through the resistance until he gets that particular result.

Application comes naturally to go-getters but it takes no special gift to apply yourself. You might be the most reserved person but once you commit to push yourself, you will do what needs to be done to reach where you purposed to.  

Application is about giving it the best push you can and doing so consistently. There is no other way to reach your goals except to apply yourself with consistency. Many have lost their breakthroughs at the last minute because they couldn’t muster the energy to push through the last bit of resistance. The Navy seals say you need to be all in, all the time.

Application is for those who want to do things the right way. There are two ways to do something: the right way and again. It is about not considering to quit. Quitting should never be on the agenda for you when it comes to your mission. Whatever improvisation you need to get to the other side you will bring on board for purposes of reaching the goal. A lot of us quit far too early. We quit while we still have boatloads of energy within. The challenge we have is to let it all out and be who we are meant to be.

To apply yourself you need to think like David Goggins who says ‘I don’t stop when I am tired, I stop when I am done.’ In essence it means you don’t drawback from your goal simply because your body is giving way. You stay on the task until it is accomplished. At this point, you are not looking for the cop out of ‘I tried’ but going all the way until the result is achieved. He goes further to say ‘when you think you are done, you are into 40% of what your body is capable of doing.’

The next best thing once you know what you want to do and how to go about it is to get started and apply yourself accordingly. If at the end of every day you can sincerely say I gave it my all, I gave it my best, then you are applying yourself. If you however feel like you are living beneath your potential, then it is time to apply yourself. Look back over the last week and think about how many days you have applied yourself using this definition. Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe said knowing is not enough, you must apply, willing is not enough, you must do. Doing will separate you from the masses. Many people want it but few are willing to do what it takes to succeed. Choose to be among the few who make it.

Image Credits: Vector Stock 

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