Friday, August 7, 2020

Break it down

Grand plans can seem intimidating and way out of reach. Their sheer size can make us quit before we even get started. However the sages made us understand many moons ago that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. The best thing you can do for yourself is to breakdown your plan into daily, weekly, monthly blocks or whatever other duration makes the most sense to you. Once you have done this, you are ready to go. Surely it doesn’t matter how grand your plan is, there is an element of it you can start working on today. Focus on that element and build it up from there. When it is broken down it gives you the requisite momentum to keep going. And you don’t know what a little momentum can get you doing. The beauty of small steps is that they give you small victories to celebrate along the way. Seek to find happiness in the journey and not just the destination. The joy is in the journey and all its intrigues.

The question you must ask at this stage is what about my grand plan is in my power to do today? What mini goals can I tackle this week that would contribute to the ultimate goal? Daily victories are what you should go for as long as they tally with your overall goals and values.

It is important to decide everyday how you are going to show up for your dreams. Choose to take time to map out your short term goals and how you going to go about them. Grant Cardone says if your goals are important, you write them down every day not just once a year then you forget. When they are ever before you, they keep you on your toes and you realize that time is passing by and I need to do the needful so that I am not left behind.

As humans, we like our change coming in small doses. Evolutions are more palatable than revolutions. Because of this, you need to break down your plan to give yourself a chance at evolutionary progress which is more agreeable for you and a majority of us. Your grand plan is revolutionary and as such it can become intimidating to pursue. You need the breakdown to stay sane and grounded. You need to progress sustainably so that you are not shooting in one hundred directions at the same time with little to no tangible impact.

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