Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Greatest Room

Today I would like to share with us on why all our lives can get much better than they are. I am sure if I asked randomly who is content with their lives, I will find many who want to go one further, want to do better than they are currently. The truth of the matter is that life is a journey. We only arrive when we breathe last and go on to our next life. For as long as you still live, you still have the opportunity and are expected to go one better. This is the gist of my message for today.
It does not matter how well or how badly you are doing right now, look around your life and you will find things that can get better. There is only one who is perfect and does not have room to be better. Can you imagine a God who would constantly need to improve on being God? I wouldn’t want to be a subject to such a God. Such a God does not inspire confidence. God is supposed to be the best at everything and sure enough that is Who and What He is. When you read your bible and see him described as King of Kings, this is what it means.  There can never be another king above Him. He has mastery over all things and the highest of us can only touch the peripheries of His greatness. This is why we have quite a long distance to cover.
God does not require of us to march Him. He requires of us to be the best version of ourselves possible every time and get better as the days go by. The greatest room you have been blessed with in this life is the room for improvement. The room never gets full. The moment you think you have attained the highest possible, the more you realize that you are still getting started. The people at the top of their fields in whatever discipline have this constant realization that there is much they are yet to grasp and capture as much as they know a lot already. Little knowledge is dangerous and so is a little success. It has a tendency of lulling people into sleep such that they begin to believe they have arrived. When you look at the thought leaders of our days-the likes of Richard Branson-their thinking is one of a traveler. One who has not arrived. They are constantly challenging themselves to go one better.
Nowadays what differentiates products is the extra attention that is given to improving its features, its performance or whatever other parameter is used to measure the progress. Top tech companies like Apple, Samsung and Google have teams devoted to constantly studying their products and services with a view to improving them and making them better. It is why there are constant software and hardware updates. That is how they stay ahead of the park. Any sleep and their competitors would quickly move in to feel the void left by them.
Life is about getting better as the days go by. What you need to be asking yourself is am I getting better at what I am doing or am I still stuck in my past? When you assess your progress be it at work, school, home, ministry or anywhere else which you can fill in as we go along, do you see improvement or stagnation. Your eyes need to be open to refining your processes and ways of operating to what is working right now so that you don’t get left behind. You must guard against falling to the lie of reveling in your past success that you forget it’s a new day. Even where you are doing exceptionally well, it is important to look again just to make sure you are not left behind. It is a fallacy to say ‘you don’t change a winning team.’ A good manager will make decisions on his team focusing on what is happening currently. You cannot keep a team member who is not delivering simply because they delivered two years ago. They could be standing in the way of some other good team members who are waiting for their chance.

You need to take charge of your life and lead it in the way that you know it needs to go. You must stop staying stuck in the rut and make that progress which you know is well within your reach. What area of your life do you think you can improve on? What adjustments can you make to your life to take it a notch higher? Where have you remained content that you are finding yourself left behind? There is room for improvement. Make the most of it all..

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