Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Is it just me who thinks this or is this your observation too.Ever since I knew liberals, I have known them as people who have an overblown sense of entitlement. They believe that everyone should bend over backwards to accommodate them whereas they won't move an inch for anyone. The saddest thing is that they seem to be gaining support from all quarters at the expense of anyone who thinks or acts contrary to their whims.

A case in point is this in the US of A where a lady is being harassed by all authorities who even want to close down her business because she refused to offer flowers for a gay wedding!!!!! Really!!!!! I thought democracies give people the freedom of religion and conscience. Why would they protect the rights of one group at the expense of the other? Why would they see the wrong in this lady exercising the dictates of her conscience and not see the wrong in the gay couple forcing her to go against this conscience she is holding onto? Where did the tenets of live and let live go to? Where did the fundamental pillar of everyone enjoying their rights but not in a manner to deny others theirs go to? Why is it that liberals are given a fairer hearing than the so called conservatives? Why do we excuse the excesses of some in exercising their rights while asking others to hold back? Where is justice being done in all this?  

I believe that liberals have a right as much as anyone else to live their lives as they choose to only that we should all remember we live once and after death we come face to face with our maker to receive what is due us. Choices have consequences, right? My bone of contention is why aren't this rights exercised across the board? The other day women across Kenya were up in arms with #mydressmychoice a campaign that advocated for women to dress however they want. Well if that is liberation, so be it but in equal measure I would say respect the rights of those who you get to meet along the way wherever you are going. there was one particular lady who said when people come close to her and rip off her clothes, they are invading her per personal space. I believe that is true and it is also barbaric to make anyone walk stark naked because you are offended with their dress code. However back to the point of 'personal space' when this lady is leaving her house in the morning, does she stop to think whether her attire gets into other people's spaces? Doesn't she realize that when she dresses skimpily she gets int peoples spaces. The same lady had the audacity to say if you are offended with what she has on, you should look the other way.  Does that mean people should always be creative enough to avoid offence. Is she happy that people have to go to great lengths to accommodate her every whim? spare me that 'personal space' nonsense. You want your personal space respected? Respect other peoples personal space.

Where is the equality of the law where liberals are concerned. Why do they always act as though they are the victims in all instances? I bet all liberals need a reality check because this world belongs to all of us. Do unto me as you would like me to do unto you. That is the Spirit.

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