Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A fresh Start

A fresh Start

Is there ever an age where you should just give up and stop trying to make changes in your life? Have you gone too far that there is no room for back tracking? Is it too late to rewrite the story of your life?

These are questions we grapple with all the time as long as we live. In this article, we will think through these questions and see what options we have in this regard.

You can approach this life in a number of perspectives and each bears great implications and it is therefore very important that you choose the right perspective.

There are those who approach life as victims. They believe that life just happens to them and they have no control over any aspect of it. They cannot see what they could do differently to change the outcome of their lives. They believe in a fate that has been sealed which they can only live by. Such people will not attempt to make any amends. They will let everything flow as it comes

Others will live with the understanding that though life happens, they can do something about it. They do not deceive themselves that they have ultimate control, but they do all what is within their power to order their lives in a particular direction. They have a victor’s perspective. Which perspective would you want to live with as an individual?

I would choose the victor’s mentality any day of my life because it keeps me hopeful that there is something I can do about what is going on with me right now. For you to have the impetus needed to rewrite your story, you must first believe that it is possible. The idea that you have zero control must be banished from your mind. The same way you must also banish the notion that you will sit back and do nothing as you wait on God to do it for you. More often than not God provides the means but He still expects you to rise up and do it yourself. He provides guidance but it is your role to respond obediently.

After you have come to terms with who you are, if you don’t like who you are, or if you can improve on who you are then the next step is to start making adjustments as is required of you. Never for one moment think that you have run out of time. For as long as you woke up today, you must live your life with the realization that today you can take even one step to correct your reality. What matters most is not the big leaps you take to reverse your movement. It is the baby steps that build you the momentum you need for the big leap. Without focusing too much on how far you have gone or fallen, the question should be what you can do today to reverse the trend. You must always scan your surroundings to identify the wiggle room you have and make the most of it. If a hand is all you can move, by all means go ahead and move it. If you have the chance to take two steps do not think about the ten you cannot take.

The moment your eyes open up to the reality that your life is not what it ought to be, it is time to rewrite your story. It is time to paint a new picture of yourself. Understand that there is room to start over again. An addiction is not a death sentence. You can reverse the trend. An extravagant lifestyle is not in your DNA you can get rid of it. And even if it is found in your DNA, there is room for gene editing to end up with the desired make up. What pieces of your life can you get a hold of? What you need to do is quickly gather them together and begin to build something beautiful out of them. From ashes comes such beauty as no one thought possible. All it takes is a heart that believes and a mind that is ready to go to work and make these things a reality.

Do you feel the need to rebuild your life? Do you think you need a fresh start? Would you do with a helping hand in this regard? Respond in the comments and we will continue this conversation. You  can also reach me on +254725832477

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