Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Pros and Cons of Money Market Funds


I love the fact that Kenyans are increasing their literacy when it comes to Finances.

It is good to hear many people asking after MMFs and other asset classes.

I would like to explore a few pros and cons of this asset class in this article


Ease of liquidity. It is so straight forward that you can deposit money today and request for it after three days and it will be readily available much like a regular bank account. This makes it ideal for money you need to access speedily. Unlike the bank which will keep your money at little to no benefit to you, this will give you the benefit of returns no matter how short a duration the money stays.

Ease of joining. Just like a normal bank account you will fill a form and submit your identification documents and KRA PIN. That alone will be enough to get you started once you deposit the initial amount. This varies across different providers.

Modest returns. Most of them will give you returns above 10% per annum. The returns are also compounded meaning the longer you stay and maintain discipline the more you will earn from it. This is one of the easiest ways to generate passive income.

Flexibility of contributions. You are at liberty to top up your contributions at any time with any amount though some will have a minimal top up amount.

Spread of risk in low exposure instruments. The fund utilizes call deposits, T-bills and bonds. These are low risk instruments which have little risk of default.


A challenge to maintain saving discipline because of zero safeguards. Since no one requires you to contribute regularly, you are likely to slide into indiscipline when it comes to growing your money steadily.

Ease of liquidity makes long term saving tricky-requires great restraint. Unless you are highly disciplined or put an automated system in place to grow your long term savings, you will not be able to go too far. That liquidity is a blessing and curse in equal measure depending on how you navigate it. You need to be clear on what you are saving or investing towards and if you realize the MMF is derailing your long term goals, then switch to an alternative that will make it easy for you.

Variable disparity in gross and net return. It is important to know that there is a gross and net return. There are fees and taxes applicable to the return which you need to take note of as you sign up. Think about the net return because that is what you should be expecting.

Returns Subject to market forces-applicable to majority of asset classes. While the MMF is low risk it is still subject to the movements of the market. Any shocks will touch the returns but the beauty is that this is not exclusive to MMF but affects majority of classes

Laissez faire approach to contributions takes away predictability of position. It is difficult to predict your own growth as an investor except you put in safeguards in the form of automated savings.

To choose or not to choose MMFs as an investment vehicle? That depends on your goals and aspirations. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

A little on Money, Savings, Investment


Savings are the beginning of the journey to Financial Freedom. How much of your income are you saving currently? Where are you saving? What is the Rate of return? How secure is your money?

Before you save

First things first. You cannot save what you do not have. How are you making your money? Utilize your skills and abilities to generate as much income as possible right where you are.


When you are looking for a place to save, it is important that you find a place with a mix of benefits to you.


Put your money where it will labor hard for you. Do not keep it where the rate of inflation will wipe away its value. Worse still, do not put it where there is close to zero in terms of return. Enlighten yourself with the knowledge you need about the alternatives you have.


It is good to pursue high returns but you must also be careful not to sink your hard earned cash in a Ponzi scheme. The security of your money is and remains a key consideration.


How easy/hard is it for you to access your money when you need it? It is important that you decide from the onset what your goals are with regard to your savings. Knowing the why behind your savings will dictate a lot of things. If these are emergency savings you will definitely want a place where you can access the money on short notice. If you are thinking long term you want to be in places where there are restrictions on access. Let your goal dictate the vehicle you choose.


What is the track record of the institution you want to put your money in? Can you vouch for them unashamedly? Do you have social proof that they deliver on their promises? While some institutions rely on their good name with nothing to offer presently, skin in the game is an important consideration when you are choosing an institution. If possible seek to understand the top leadership of the institution and their track record. If they have questionable reputations, it is m=important to tread carefully because leopards rarely change their spots.

Financial strengths and fundamentals.

Are you able to tell the financial strength of the institution? Do your due diligence before you hand over your money to anyone. Make sure the institution is fundamentally sound. Look at its financial statements, line of business, associates and affiliates among many other things. They will give you a clue as to the safety of your money.

Fees involved

Seek clarity on any fees, taxes and other charges the plan attracts. Without this info, you might find yourself eating into your gains without noticing. The charges need to be as low as possible to maximize on your potential return.

The options of a saver

Money gives the possessor options. This is where the elements of financial freedom start to kick in.

With money I can set up a business responsive to my strengths and a good fit for me. When I go into a business I am well suited for, then I am no longer working but living my dream.

I could also choose to continue working where I am currently but from a position of strength knowing that should I be let go, I have a soft landing.

I have the option to buy into a portfolio of stocks, bonds, REITS and many other investments that will earn me interests and dividends. Depending on the size of my savings, I could easily replace my income with the interests I gain from my investments.

Wealth creation is a marathon. The problem with today’s generation is we want to make a sprint out of it. It is important to know that wealth that comes easy flies easy too. Wealth that respects process will outlast any shakeups.

Are you ready to start running the Marathon of Wealth Creation? Talk to me today and I will be your guide along the way. Reach out on +254725832477 or

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.